2024 Darke County Fair King and Queen Selected, Batten and Aultman to serve as Darke County Fair King and Queen On Tuesday, July 9th at the Radiant Church the Darke County Junior Fair conducted the pageant for the Darke County Fair King and Queen Contest. As a result of the application, interview and pageant the 2024 Darke County Junior Fair King was Colin Batten who represented Versailles FFA and will be a senior at Versailles High School and is the son of Susan Batten Hillpley and Chris Batten and the 2024 Darke County Fair Queen is Sophia Aultman who represented Ansonia FFA. Sophia will be a senior at Ansonia High School and is the daughter of Matt and Morgan Aultman. The court includes: Grace Borchers, the daughter of Charlie and Reana Borchers represented Versailles FFA in the pageant and was named 1st Runner-up Queen. 1st Runner-up King was awarded to Daxton Harter who represented Darke County Jr Fair. Margret McGlinch the daughter of Greg and Janet McGlinch represented Versailles FFA in the pageant and was named 2nd Runner-up Queen. Amelia Price was named 3rd runner-up and represented Kountry Kids 4-H Club in the pageant. In addition, Allee Grimme of Versailles, representing the Versailles Bust Beaver's Contest also participated in the queen contest and placed in the top 6th contestants. The ceremony was conducted by the 2023 Darke County Fair King Andrew Wuebker of Versailles and Queen Elizabeth Brewer. The fair king and queen process consists of a written application, personal interview with judges, a pageant with questions, and junior fair participation. Congratulations to 2024 Darke County Fair King and Queen and their court. Picture #1: The 2024 Darke County Junior Fair Court: (from left to right) Back row; 1st runner-up Daxton Harter, 1st runner-up Grace Borchers, 2nd runner-up Margret McGlinch, and 3rd runner-up Amelia Price. Front row; King Colin Batten and Queen Sophia Aultman. Picture #2: Versailles FFA members who participated in the pageant were (from left to right): Allee Grimme, Colin Batten, Grace Borchers Margret McGlinch and 2023 Fair KIng Andrew Wuebker.
14 days ago, Dave Harmon
Picture #1
Picture #2
Our next "Versailles Voices Project" participant is a unique one. These have generally been a person or a family, but today we'll be highlighting a program at Versailles Schools. The CLCE, or Civic Leadership and Community Engagement class is offered by Mr. Jason Ahrens to our Middle School students. CLCE students learned about many different types of leadership and specific leaders in a community over the course of the 2023-204 school year. Thank you CLCE kids for sharing what you did and what you learned this past year. We would love to continue to share these "Versailles Voices", but that is only possible if you take a moment to submit them. We appreciate and need your continued submissions to keep this going. Please consider submitting a response as we'd love to hear from you (and so does the community!) To do so, click the link below: https://forms.gle/D8f7p542BNJEjAVj8
15 days ago, Dave Harmon
It is the time of year that we start gearing back up for another season of Tigerball! Our fine football team starts getting to work next week. Of course, they've never stopped being in the weightroom. We are pleased to share some of the specifics of some very significant upgrades to our football facilities for the safety of our student-athletes. The practice field was completely reworked. Previously from the NW corner to the SE corner there was a more than 5 foot change in elevation, and from the NW corner to the SW corner the field dropped by more than 4 feet. Everything is now graded within 6 inches anywhere on the field. Thanks to the Village for letting us work on the area within the rules and requirements of the EPA. MANY thanks to Brumbaugh Construction who did the dirt work. Flow Masters Irrigation did the irrigation and sprinkler installation. Thank you to Brian Pearson, Mike Poling, and John Kindell who reseeded the entire newly graded field. All of the funding for this work came from the Friends of Hole Field. No tax payer dollars were used for this work! We are incredibly grateful to the Friends of Hole Field for their continued support and work to make things better for our kids. At H.B. Hole Field a failing retaining wall was removed and Luthman Concrete did the reinstallation of a new Concrete Wall and drainage behind the wall to ensure longevity. Lawn Plus did the dirt work and reseeding of the game field in the corner near the visiting band area as a result of the concrete work. The grass is starting to come up nicely in that area as well. We are proud of our facilities. We are proud of our students, and we are proud of our community who continue to provide support to the school district in innumerable ways. Tiger Pride! Let the countdown to Tigerball begin!
16 days ago, Dave Harmon
retaining wall destruction
retaining wall and grading
corner reseeded and starting to grow
irrigation install
grading 2
practice field complete
practice field 2
game field
This content was from the end of the school year, but we thought it was awesome and wanted to share: The Versailles High School Drone team competed in a two day competition at the North Central Aerial Drone Competition in Flint, Michigan this past weekend (May 18-19). This particular competition fields teams from a ten-state region. Team 81834B, consisting of Jack Gerling and Cale Demange scored their highest individual skills score of the year and finished 16th overall. Team 81834T, made up of Patrick McGlinch, Luke Borchers, and Lance Keller, were able to qualify for the final tournament and finished 8th overall. Team 81834V, consisting of Alex Westgerdes, Cooper Keller, and Brady Rogers, had an awesome day and finished 3rd overall! Great job everyone!
16 days ago, Dave Harmon
Drone 1
Drone 2
Drone 3
Good morning Tigers this is Superintendent Dave Harmon with an important message for our families. First, we hope you are all having a wonderful Summer break and that you are finding it restful, and rejuvenating. We are preparing for all of the students to return in the fall. One important task in having things ready to go is that we need all families to go into Final Forms and update your student(s) forms. Everything is color-coded. If it is red, it still needs to be addressed. Once you've updated and submitted each page, it will turn back to green. This is important for many reasons, but one is planning bus routes. Even if you do not use school transportation we ask that you update that screen as well. Please don't skip it thinking you don't use it so it doesn't apply to your family. We appreciate your help very much in getting those forms updated. Have a fantastic week. Go Tigers! You can update your child's form at https://versailles-oh.finalforms.com/
19 days ago, Dave Harmon
Final Forms update for '24-'25
Final Forms
Good evening parents, This is Superintendent Dave Harmon with an important message about your child's achievement testing results. New this year is a requirement by the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce (what was formerly known as the Ohio Department of Education). All schools are now required to notify families of their child's achievement results from the just concluded school year, on or before June 30. We don't believe we will have the glossy, colorful score reports that you may be used to seeing back from the state in time to meet this requirement, however the students' achievement results have been uploaded to ProgressBook and you are able to get them there in the same way you log in to check your students grades and work completion over the course of the school year. Scores are listed as "Placement level" of either 5, 4, 3, 2, or 1.  These correspond to the old language that you are also likely used to from the past.  Now everything is on a 1 through 5 scale.  But you can correspond a 5 to being "Advanced;" 4 being "Accelerated;" 3 being "Proficient;" 2 being "Basic;" and 1 being "Limited."    You may already have a link saved that takes you right to the log in, but if not, go to the school website at www.versailles.k12.oh.us then click the "Parents and Students" tab in the black bar near the top of the screen. From there you can select the link to the ProgressBook log in. From there, at the bottom of the screen will be the Versailles icon. Click that. Next, click "Sign in." From there you'll be brought to the ProgressBook login screen. Enter your username and password. Once logged in, on the left side of the screen in the menu where all grade information is organized, at the bottom of that list is an "Assessment Scores" option. Click that and you will be brought to all of your child's Assessment scores that have been loaded into the system. ​We hope this is helpful. Please let us know if you need assistance. Have a wonderful week and a beautiful summer with your friends and family!
about 2 months ago, Dave Harmon
ProgressBook Assessment notification page 1
ProgressBook parent notification page 2
ProgressBook parent notification page 3
ProgressBook parent access notification page 4
The Athletic Department has the following positions open for the 24-25 school year Potential JH Volleyball coach Head COED Swim Coach Potential Freshman Girls B-ball Coach Potential JH Girls B-ball Coach Please contact email scott.broerman@vtigers.org if you are interested.
2 months ago, Scott Broerman
Students of the Week
2 months ago, Versailles Middle School
Students of the Week
7th & 8th Grade SPRING VOCAL MUSIC CONCERT is evening (5/13) beginning at 7:30 PM. We hope to see you there.
2 months ago, Versailles Middle School
Good evening Tigers, this is Superintendent Dave Harmon with an important message for planning purposes about the last day of school. It is hard to believe that the last day of school is now only 2 weeks away. Pending Board approval at the upcoming May 21st Board meeting, we wanted to communicate to you for planning purposes, that the school district will let out 2 hours early on that last day - Friday, May 24, 2024.  Normal dismissal is at 3:05. On Friday, May 24, 2024, we will dismiss for summer at 1:05 in the afternoon. Thank you very much.  Let's make these last two weeks magical!
3 months ago, Dave Harmon
May 24, 2024
Quarter 4 midterms have been posted to Gradebook for parents to view. Any students who received an F or I on their midterm report will have a copy mailed to the custodial parent/guardian.
3 months ago, Versailles Middle School
Our next "Versailles Voices Project" participant is Caroline Anthony. Caroline is a Senior at Versailles High School and is headed to Bowling Green next year Thank you Caroline for sharing. You mention in your post that you are proud to have gone to Versailles. Well....we're darn proud of you too! We would love to continue to share these, but that is only possible if you take a moment to submit them. We appreciate and need your continued submissions to the Versailles Voices Project. Please consider submitting a response as we'd love to hear from you (and so does the community!) To do so, click the link below: https://forms.gle/D8f7p542BNJEjAVj8
3 months ago, Dave Harmon
Versailles Voices - Caroline Anthony
Let's flood the interwebs with positivity! Drop just a name, or a name and a story. Thanks for making someone's day! #BetterTogether
3 months ago, Dave Harmon
Best Teacher I ever had was...
Our next "Versailles Voices Project" participants are Megan and Mason DeMange. Megan and Mason are 2016 Versailles graduates. Megan teaches 2nd grade, and Mason teaches vocal music. Thank you Mr. and Mrs. DeMange for your submission! It's been a while since we've posted one of these. Lets get this going again. We appreciate and need your continued submissions to the Versailles Voices Project. Please consider submitting a response as we'd love to hear from you (and so does the community!) To do so, click the link below: https://forms.gle/D8f7p542BNJEjAVj8
3 months ago, Dave Harmon
Versailles Voices - Megan & Mason DeMange
We are incredibly proud to share that Versailles High School has just been named to the US News and World Report's 2024 Best High Schools list. As we approach Teacher Appreciation Week next week, this notice was a pretty nice, and well timed "Thank you." None of what we do would be possible without the tremendous support of our community. We are blessed to have fantastic staff. We are just as blessed to have a fantastic community, and fantastic young people in our schools. Thank YOU Versailles! To read more, please follow this link: https://www.usnews.com/education/best-high-schools/ohio/districts/versailles-exempted-village/versailles-high-school-15405
3 months ago, Dave Harmon
Best High Schools
Students working with bubble math to explore circle area and circumference!
3 months ago, Versailles Middle School
math 1
math 2
Math 3
Great work, JH students, who participated in this past weekend's Honors Band Concert held in the theatre!
3 months ago, Versailles Middle School
band 1
band 2
Students of the Week.
3 months ago, Versailles Middle School
Students of the Week
Students of the Week
3 months ago, Versailles Middle School
Students of the Week
Congratulations to Joshua Henry who placed 1st overall in the Middle School Wildlife Career Development Event as an individual. Way to go Josh.
3 months ago, Versailles Middle School